
30 Days of Thankfulness..... Day 4

Today, in our neck of the woods, it is COLD.... WET..... & NASTY!!!! And so, today I am extremely thankful for Friday afternoon, to be home (with no where to go), and especially for.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber! I found your blog on RQ and popped over to say hello! I'm so excited that you are "Julia's" mom! I follow AOW and I think she's just such a cutie.

    My hubster and I have three kids {2 bio girls and a Thai son adopted in '09}. We are paperchasing for our son, Seth {16months} now. Our homestudy will be notarized next week hopefully and then, onto the I-800A. We are hoping to be DTC by Feb. 1st! Who knows? Maybe we will be! It's all in God's hands. I'm a homeschool mom and my husband is a youth pastor.

    So nice to "meet" you!
